Join our Affiliate Program

Welcome to our Affiliate Program! At SAH Creatives, we believe in building a community that thrives on mutual success. Our affiliate program is designed to reward you for sharing our products and services with your audience. Whether you're a blogger, influencer, or someone with a strong online presence, this is a fantastic opportunity to earn while promoting high-quality products you love and trust.

Earn flat 12% commission on 2,000+ products and still counting.

How does SAH Creative's affiliate program Works?

1. Join our Affiliate Program

Joining our affiliate program is quick and easy. Simply Login/Register and then click on 'Become an Affiliate' to get started.

3. Track Your Audience

Track the traffic you’re sending to SAH Creatives with easy-to-use Affiliate Dashboard.

2. Promote Our Products

Use your unique affiliate links to promote our products through your website, blog, social media, or email.

4. Get Paid

Earn flat 12% commission on eligible purchases that your users make on our website.

Why Join Our Affiliate Program?

  • High Commissions: Earn competitive commissions of 12% on every sale made through your referral links.
  • Exclusive Promotions: Gain access to exclusive promotions, deals, and discounts that you can share with your audience.
  • Real-Time Tracking: Utilize our robust affiliate dashboard to monitor your performance and track your earnings in real-time.
  • Dedicated Support: Our affiliate support team is here to help you succeed every step of the way.


What is the SAH Creatives Affiliate Program?
How do I sign up for the affiliate program?

Joining our affiliate program is simple. Click the "Join Now" button on our affiliate page (top of this page), then Login/Register with your email id, then click on "Become an affiliate" button to submit it for approval (you can find this "Become an affiliate" button in "Affiliate Dashboard" tab in your "My Account" page). Once approved, you'll receive access to your affiliate dashboard and unique referral links.

How much can I earn as an affiliate?

Our affiliates earn flat 12% commission on every sale made through their referral links. The more you promote and drive sales, the more you can earn.

When and how will I get paid?

We process affiliate payments on a monthly basis. You will receive your earnings via PayPal, so you must have to have PayPal account for the same. Please make sure to update your PayPal email id in your Affiliate Dashboard settings.

Is there a minimum payout threshold?

Yes, there is a minimum payout threshold of $20. Once your earnings reach this amount, you will be eligible for a payout in the next payment cycle.

How can I track my earnings and performance?

You can track your earnings and performance in real-time through our affiliate dashboard. This platform provides detailed reports on clicks, sales, and commissions.

Can I promote products on multiple platforms?

Absolutely! You can promote our products through your website, blog, social media channels, email newsletters, and any other platform where you have an audience.

How long do the cookies last?

Our affiliate program uses 30-day cookies. This means that if a customer clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase within 30 days, you will receive a commission for that sale. Please note that if multiple affiliates refer a sale, credit will be given to the publisher with the last qualified click before the purchase.

What if I need help or have questions?

Our dedicated affiliate support team is here to assist you. If you have any questions or need help, please contact us at [email protected], and we'll be happy to assist you.

Are there any restrictions on how I can promote SAH Creative's products?

We ask that our affiliates adhere to our terms and conditions, which prohibit certain activities such as spam, misleading claims, and unethical marketing practices. Please refer to our affiliate agreement for full details.

Can I use my affiliate links for personal purchases?

No, affiliates are not allowed to use their own referral links to make personal purchases. This ensures the integrity of the affiliate program and fairness to all participants.

How do I get started?

To get started, simply sign up for our affiliate program, receive your unique referral links, and start promoting our products and services. The more you share, the more you earn!

If you have any other questions or need additional information, feel free to reach out to our support team. We're here to help you succeed!